Update 13 – 15/05

So Omiai is going on. And Simple Life new chapter started in Vol 2. Unfortunately Omiai is taking more time than idol girl to work on due to its length. And I’m not confident enough to work on it on phone as working on my laptop itself is taking around 2-3 hours. And since I’ve read the story already, i’m not too enthusiastic to continuously work on it like idol girl. So the chapter limit is 1 per day for now. I wish I could have taken up something like soseki that can be done in an hour or so.. sigh…

Well, anyway since my motivation level was low, I started looking at a different novel that I had in mind. But I’m not publishing it for a while. Because first chapter does not seem that engaging. Let’s wait for few more chapters. I’ve added the page though. Just a teaser 😉 it’s on the same level as gimai and roshidere if the web talks were to be believed. Let’s see.

-without wax,

Lazy Translator

Published by Lazy Translator

Lazy as one gets...

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